6.99 inc. Tax

Elegant and practical vaping device with the possibility of recharging the battery with HHC, CBD and Ice Cream Cake aroma. Made in sunny California by a company with long-term experience in the production of VAPE devices and e-cigarettes. The American brand HAPPI is currently the leading manufacturer of VAPE devices and electronic cigarettes in the USA. We are happy to offer them to you. We recommend purchasing a battery as well.

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Zákaz predaja tohoto tovaru osobám mladším ako 18 rokov. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Ak je obal porušený, predávajúci nezodpovedá za obsah balenia. Dodržujeme zákaz predaja tohoto tovaru osobám mladším ako 18 rokov. Pri doručení overuje kuriér Váš vek a v prípade nedosiahnutia veku 18 rokov Vám nebude balík doručený. Nie je určené na priamu konzumáciu a fajčenie. Jedná sa o čisto zberateľský predmet.

Pri všetkých nákupoch máš dopravu zadarmo a zaplatiť môžeš až pri dodaní kuriérom. Zaplatiť môžeš aj cez QR kód na bankový účet, ale vtedy čakáme na pripísanie tvojej platby na náš účet.
SKU: 850037090716 Category:

This is a collector’s item. We do not recommend smoking, because after inhalation, relaxing narcotic effects and even euphoria can occur.

Volume: 1 ml

Content of e-liquid refill:
HHC distillate – hexahydrocannabinol
CBD – cannabidiol
natural terpenes

DOES NOT CONTAIN THC! It does NOT contain any additional additives or diluents such as VG, PG, MCT or other substances.

The device contains a rechargeable battery with a capacity of 350 mAh via USB.

Please note: All products, accessories and electronic cigarettes we offer are not sold to persons under the age of 18. We thus meet the conditions of Act No. 379/2005 Coll. on the ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes, e-liquids and their accessories to minors. Any product imitating the function of a tobacco product or tobacco accessories, including accessories for these products, can be purchased after reaching the age of 18. Store out of reach of children. It is not intended for pregnant and lactating women. . Store in a dry and dark place at temperatures up to 25 °. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.

Product in accordance with Act §167/1998. Intended for industrial, technical and horticultural purposes. It is not intended for direct consumption or smoking. This is a collector’s item. The product is subject to natural weight loss.

Happi HHC 1g Ice Cream Cake Disposable Analysis


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